Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blogtoberfest Day 24: 60 in 60

Tomorrow is the 25th, so just two months until Christmas.  It will go fast, I'm sure.  One of the things I've decided that will help make this last part of the year enjoyable and manageable for me is to keep focused and be productive. To have a goal to work towards.  A goal that allows me to celebrate achievements along the way.  In that vein then, I have set myself a stretching challenge: to make 60 garments in 60 days.  It will be a big ask.  I already have events and days committed to other things, so it will be more than a garment a day on some days.  I was going to make it 50 in 60 days, knowing that would be challenging enough but then thought, what the heck, why not set myself something that would have me reaching hard to make it.  So what if I need to burn the midnight oil on one or two occasions. And so what if I dont make it - I'm going to have fun trying. And if I do manage to pull it off, I'll be over the moon!  So tomorrow is Day 1
What about you?  What does your ride til Christmas look like?

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